Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer
Handling All Criminal Cases in Minnesota
A careful review of every fact and every piece of evidence is critical in preparing a comprehensive defense to a drug crime. The severity of the charge you face can be affected by the type of drug involved, the amount, the circumstances surrounding the incident and your intent.
At the Law Offices of David C. Keegan, I possess the experience needed to thoroughly evaluate your case. Drug charges can involve complex issues, but we will work to find a practical solution to any level of drug crime. Contact the office in Duluth to speak with a lawyer.
Experience to Effectively Defend Controlled Substance Crimes
I will closely examine all aspects of your case. Contact us for assistance with any drug crime, including:
- Methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin, marijuana/THC possession, or synthetics
- Prescription forgeries
- Drug sales, distribution or manufacturing
- Drug-related vehicle or property forfeiture
In addition to defending you in your criminal case, we can also assist you in dealing with a drug offense outside of a courtroom. When appropriate assistance to treat a drug or alcohol addiction.
Contact the offices to speak with an attorney if you are facing drug charges. Call Attorney Keegan at 218-722-7813. My office is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Evening, weekend and holiday appointments are available as needed.